UCM debate wins 5-1 vs Durham University Debate Society
The Talking Mules swept Durham Union in Durham, England 5 to 1 Tuesday, March 14. The two universities debated the idea of compulsory trade unions.
Ellie Markham of Durham University said the topic of the debate was interesting.
“I think it was really interesting to hear a range of different arguments,” Markham said. “I think that having debaters from different backgrounds meant the focus of the debate was different to what I was expecting, especially when talking about individual liberties and stuff.”
Madison Marquardt said she thought the debate lacked in-depth analysis. “I felt like the debate lacked a lot of clash, I don’t think it had in-depth analysis and the questions were mainly coming from our teams,” Marquardt said.
The win puts the team at 12 points, tying with the universities in the U.K. The final debate Thursday, March 16 against Imperial Union in London will determine who takes home the Montgomery Cup.