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Talking Mules Debate in

22nd Montgomery Cup

Five UCM Speech and Debate Students
Compete Across the United Kingdom

UCM Wins Montgomery Cup

March 16, 2018

On March 16, UCM won the 22nd annual Montgomery Cup after a split decision against Imperial College. The Talking Mules Speech and Debate team was previously tied with the United Kingdom following three split decisions. Then, the team was able to take the lead in Durham's fourth debate. In the final fifth match, the teams tied while debating over the topic of this house supports open borders. UCM’s tie against Imperial pushed the Mules to their overall Cup win.

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UCM Wins in Durham

March 14, 2018

  The Talking Mules tackled double debates against Glasgow University and Durham University in the second week of the Montgomery Cup. UCM came out with their first Cup victory against Durham University after three previous split decisions. The teams' debate resulted in the United Kingdom taking 2 points and UCM taking 4 points. Now, the score is United Kingdom 11 and UCM 13.

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Third Split Decision Results in UCM vs Glasgow Debate

March 13, 2018

The Cup remained tied after another split decision as UCM debated against the Debate Union of Glasgow University on March 13 in Glasgow, Scotland. The teams debated the personal objections on the grounds of moral or ethical considerations for individual soldiers of the military. UCM returned to the Cup’s epicenter at Glasgow University where the competition started 22 years ago.

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Dundee Brings a Second Split

March 07, 2018

The Talking Mules hopped on the bus to Dundee, Scotland for their second debate of the Montgomery Cup. Through the debate, the team of 2nd Proposition, Tyler Slinkard and Alex Amos, representing UCM offered the strongest argumentation. Their analysis resulted in the duo receiving the ranking of 1. 

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Talking Mules Kick Off Their First Montgomery Cup Debate

March 04, 2018

The Talking Mules tied its first Montgomery Cup debate against Edinburgh University on March 4. UCM battled head to head with Edinburgh University in their opening dual on the motion the house regrets the "avocado" generation".





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Mock Debate Prepares Talking Mules for Montgomery Cup

February 27, 2018

The University of Central Missouri's debate team had their second and final mock tournament in preparation for their travels to the U.K to compete in the 22nd Montgomery Cup. The UCM Backpack Journalism team captured the Talking Mules last time on U.S. soil before their 20 days in seven U.K. cities. 

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