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Backpack Journalism 

 Discoveries 2018

Two UCM Student Reporters
Explore the Land and Legends of the UK

The Backpack Journalism Project - 2017

Backpack journalism students travel to the United Kingdom. "Reporting in the UK definitely made me more mature as a journalist," said Denise Elam. This was the first year for the backpack reporting class.

Videography by Kaitlin Brothers 

Voiceover by Austan Jones

Talking Mules Learn To a Greater Degree at Montgomery Cup

 On March 22, the Westminster attack occurred. "Three days before the attack we were standing on that bridge, on the side of the bridge that he drove down," Dr. Jack Rodgers, Talking Mules Speech and Debate coach, said. UCM Backpack Journalists and Talking Mules debaters were on Westminster Bridge outside of Big Ben three days before the attack. 

Videography by Gareth Myles Greenfield

Talking Mules Reflect after London Attack

UCM Heads to KC for UK's St. Pat's

The Talking Mules reflect on their unforgettable trip. "It was so breathtaking and perspective changing," Hutton said. He believes there is a chance he may move to Scotland one day,

Videography by Gareth Myles Greenfield

Backpack Journalist Gareth Myles Greenfield traveled from UCM to Kansas City to test Americans' Irish slang. "I have absolutely no clue," Devin said. Greenfield quizzed seven people in Westport on Irish slang phrases.  

 Reporter Gareth Myles Greenfield

Contributing Videographer Kylie Rex

Street Performers Work on the Royal Mile

Buskers perform daily on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh, Scotland. "It's the best job ever," Wilf Keys, street magician, said. Street performers from around the world come to work on the Royal Mile.

Videography by Denise Elam and Kaitlin Brothers

 UCM Reporters
Help Connect UCM Students Worldwide

The Backpack Journalism Project - 2018

Firedrill ensures a safe Thursday night at Houts-Hosey Dorm on Feb. 8 at the University of Central Missouri. UCM and the city of Warrensburg's Fire Department work together to guarantee safety for students and the community.

Reporter Ron'Zena Hill Videographer John Dolt Producer Matt Sharp

Backpack Journalism 

 Discoveries 2017

COMM. 4290



University of Central Missouri

Department of Communication

Digital Media Production

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